What is Holistic (or Biologic) Dentistry?

To understand what the differences between holistic and traditional dentistry are, we must first define some terms. Holistic is a word that means "the whole." So, a holistic dentist, sometimes called a biologic dentist, is focused upon whole body wellness that starts with the mouth. Now, to some degree all dentists understand that there is a connection between oral health... read more »

A Basic Rundown of Water Flossers

Are you aware of the several types of interdental cleaning tools that can be used to enhance your smile? As there are several ways to clean between your teeth, so too are their several types to clean them. Because your toothbrush will not be able to reach these areas alone, cleaning your teeth with interdental tools such as water flossers... read more »

Preventing Oral Cancer

Cancer isn’t likely something you ever think about being able to prevent, right? Well, you’re right. You can’t truly prevent cancer. So many factors - especially genetics - go into the variables of whether or not you’ll get cancer, that’s it’s really impossible to prevent it. However, where oral cancer is concerned, there are some risk factors that have proven... read more »

Don’t Take Extra Risks with Your Oral Health

Are you doing enough to improve the health of your teeth and gums and keep them safe from further accidents that can arise throughout our daily lives? Did you know there are several different oral health care techniques, treatments, and procedures you can use to enhance your smile? Consider the following advice to improve your smile: - Always make sure... read more »

Cracking the Cracked Tooth Code

If something is wrong with your teeth, you often know about it. A toothache may mean you need a filling or a root canal. If you break or lose a tooth, there is no mistaking what the problem is! But what are the symptoms of a cracked tooth? You may not even know that you have a cracked tooth, since... read more »

A Hygienic Toothbrush Can Keep Your Gums Healthy

It is recommended by the American Dental Association that patients of all ages brush their teeth twice a day. Combined with a daily habit of flossing, this creates a foundation for effective daily oral hygiene habits. When brushing your teeth, it’s important to use a hygienic, high-quality toothbrush to keep your gums in good shape. If you aren’t consistent in... read more »

Take Care of Your Sensitive Smile

Many people think having sensitive teeth is a problem they must endure rather than heal. The good news is, sensitive teeth do have many treatment options. To help you learn more about sensitive teeth and how to treat it, our dentist, Dr. Roderick Spencer with Suite Dental in Bozeman, Montana, is here to offer this basic information on proper care... read more »

Early Detection of Oral Health Conditions Can Improve Your Treatment Options

Remembering to brush your teeth each morning and night, and floss once each day can significantly reduce your chances of suffering cavities and gum disease. It’s also important to have a routine dental checkup performed by our dentist,  Dr. Roderick Spencer twice each year. This appointment is important for detecting oral health conditions early. This has been shown to improve... read more »

Preventing Gum Disease Starts with Consistent Oral Hygiene Practices

Gum disease often starts out as periodontal inflammation, which is called gingivitis. This can cause your gums to appear red and bleed easily when brushing and flossing. It could also contribute to chronic bad breath. If it’s not treated by our dentist, Dr. Roderick Spencer gingivitis can develop into a much more serious periodontal infection. Brushing your teeth twice each... read more »

Receive a Night Guard that Relieves Your TMD Symptoms

Your temporomandibular joints attach your jaw to your skull so that you can open your mouth, speak, eat your food, and make facial expressions. The joints are cushioned by a small cartilage disk, but if they become damaged, they can cause discomfort and develop a TMJ disorder, or TMD. Depending on your specific needs, we may be able to relieve... read more »